Saturday, December 4, 2010

Going Blank.

I think working has finally ruined me. Can't think freely like I used to.
Moments come to me, but they're to faint to grow.
I was travelling before but then my blackberry began to distract me.
and instead of looking out and up at the sky, I was looking into its screen.

And what's the point of staying in touch
When I'm losing myself so much?

Maybe I need a holiday. But somehow like clockwork every morning I dismiss that thought and just make my list of tasks. But this is one space that saves me. Black space on the internet. Who knows who views it? But I write for me. Because sometimes you need to record things to remind yourself what you're about.

I'm not going to blank out. I'm going to keep this teddy alive and swimming into dreams and glowing with life.

- Push


Lucky said...

Good to see you back in this black space...and glad to know that it was just work, and nothing else, that kept you away. Know for sure that someone checked out this space regularly for new posts...with the frequency increasing as days of absence turned into weeks and then months...
Great that you've promised yourself this time...

Anirudh Goswamii said...

You echo my thoughts. So beautifully resilient, you are. The effort to keep alive, your beautiful mind, will nourish the hungry souls whose only colour has turned grey and whose black page is painted by your beautiful, honest, fresh ray...

Crimson Feet said...

thats a nice kind of blank

Jasmine said...

Atta Girl!
Keep it going, you've pushed me to my blogs too today, cheers to that!

A reed thin-stemmed wineglass cheers to that my lovely lady!


blinded blue teddy said...

Lucky: Thank you so much for writing, good to know someone definitely checks out this old place.

Dimpu: You, my darling, incredible source of sunshine and inspiration, i love you! :*

Crimson Feet: Thank you! great to see a comment from you after long

Jazz: :* hehehehheeh!!!! lets do that again.. wine and whine!

Jasmine said...

wine and whine