Tuesday, July 10, 2012

fare and square

The walls don’t close in. there are no moments of reflection, of suspicion that life is waiting  like a shadow in the dark with a sword to tear me through and through. There’s also no wondering, no dreaming- that urge to just be a part of something, create something… I’m walking – just straight. All is fare and square, everything out in the open, the problems are bigger than I've dealt with but they're in boxes, the vision clear- but clarity…clarity can be cold and bland. You see as much as what’s in front of you…clarity is limited.
I’m growing silent.



Ragini said...

"Clarity is limited" Wow!

Well it may be limited but it also opens doors for more. Once the basics are sorted and grounded, you have room to fly. So you look left, "All clear"....you look right, "All clear too"...and then, take that flight!

Clarity might be limited, but baby, it's just the beginning.

blinded blue teddy said...

who says its sorted...its just become part of the horizon.. the dark shade across yellow and the clarity of it- is like its here to stay.

Vikram Raj said...

You didn't answer me.