It takes something more this time. More to simply believe and much more to trust. I know I’ll never be the same again. Just the way an innocent flower grows to discover the sun, the earth and the rain…how it cherishes these elements, but realizes one traumatic day that the wind that sways it from side to side- almost lovingly, can uproot it within a second.
That the earth it grows from cannot protect it.
That the sun can burn it to nothingness and the rainwater can drown it.
It discovers all this, but it doesn’t see the thorns that grow on its own stem or how it is born to attract attention with its beauty- its wonderful velvet petals, silently unfolding, sending an intoxicating scent in the air, just to be suddenly touched- and draw blood.

It takes more to hold a hand. It takes more face the changing colours of life, and not drink to them.
I don’t blame the experiences that have done this to me. I just don’t want to break my shell.
You look beautiful in the photograph.
all the colours...
don't blow away my petals, o wind
don't turn me dark anymore, o sun
don't choke me, o rain
requested the rose...
we don't play a game of greed like the barbaric humun beings out there...
its plainly a matter of our instinct and your destiny here...
snapped back all.
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