Saturday, July 19, 2008

Keeping Distance

Drifting in and out. Spiraling out of control. Time is rising like a wave over my head, I open my eyes and its washed me away. Never thought i'd see myself sitting here all alone. The three empty chairs stare at me. What did I do to get here... Feel like I disappeared like a photograph lost in time.

Ashes. In my head. Something that's burnt and gone, grey and black. And there comes the wind sweeping with it all I had left...

The phone lines are not clear. I can't hear. Isn't that it? Its not like you didn't call, no not at all.

Maybe i'm looking ahead. Maybe I have nothing to look back on.


J said...

i don't like the emptiness...

Ragini said...

I think in such situations, the way ahead is the only saviour.

blinded blue teddy said...

Yes.. Life has a way of forcing you ahead, almost destroying everything that held you back